Thursday, February 19, 2015

Al Capone's Speakeasy

Just finished up some homework, so I decided I'd get on here and tell you a little about the underground Speakeasy in Bucyrus, Ohio.

Back in the day (way back), it seems that Bucyrus was a wild little town!  During the years of prohibition, we had more than once Speakeasy operating and quite a few brothels so the guys could find a little company.

The one that I included in my speech a few weeks back is located beneath the Crazy Fox Saloon/Weaver Hotel just off the town square.  When this was a hopping place, Bucyrus boasted a large tunnel system under the city.  These tunnels were used for many things: getting coal into the businesses to use for heat, shuttling money and ice between businesses and the quick get-a-way if needed!  At that time the above-ground structure was the Highway Grill, and below was where the liquor flowed.  It was quite the popular hangout for many gangsters, most notably Al Capone who would stop by on his trips between Chicago and New York City.  His presence was kept very hush-hush, but for those that knew his secret they would realize Al was in town when they would see his private rail car pulled off near the brothels.

The tunnels would get him in an out of the establishment that boasted very thick, brick booths which are still there today.  Sometime in the 30's, the place closed down and the tables were taken apart and just thrown here and there is the basement.  It fell into great disrepair until is was renovated and re-opened in 2003 as a tourist destination.  Everything is just as it was in the 20's with original tables, woodwork and brick booths.  Also original is the hand-operated elevator that you can take instead of the stairs if you so desire. Most of the cities tunnels have been filled in, but there are still remnants under the Crazy Fox.

The local theater group has put together a show based on the history of the speakeasy.  It is full of song and dance, and of course a special appearance from Al Capone himself! I've been to the show twice and it is a real treat.

You can find information about the Speakeasy and other things to do in town at www, For a small town, we do have some interesting things to see!

Well, I'm thinking I'd better head to bed now.  I'll be sure and talk to you again real soon!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

My Memory is So Bad . . .

Just got home from college.  I am really enjoying this class – Computer Applications. I can relate so much better to learning to do things on the computer than I could when I had to do speeches!  The only issue I have is that I learn so many neat things in class, but then can't remember them all when I get home!

This whole memory thing seems to be an on-going battle for me.  Senior Moments. Brain Farts. Mental Lapse. Brain Freeze.  Whatever you call it, it can be quite annoying. I’ve come to believe that I have so much knowledge in my brain there just isn't room for any more so that is why I forget stuff!  I doubt that is a scientific fact, but it works for me!  I love the jokes about senior moments that I see on Facebook because I can so relate to them!  Just today, in fact, I was on my way to school and totally missed my turn-off.  I don't know what I was thinking, but I must have wanted to go on to Columbus and by-pass Marion altogether!  Maybe the Cheesecake Factory was calling me.

Then there are those times when I run into someone at the mall and they start talking to me about things we used to do.  “We had so much fun when we drove to the lakes and met those hot guys!”  I’ll reply, “Oh, I remember that.  We had a blast!”  The conversation will go on for a while and we’ll promise to keep in touch.  As soon the she leaves, I’m thinking, “Who in the world was that?  I don’t have the faintest clue what trip to the lakes she is talking about!”  Why do they remember me, and I can’t place them from Adam?  The joys of aging I guess.

There are good things, however, to not having such a great memory.  I can watch movies over and over and they are still good.  Now there does have to be a little bit of time in between viewings, but my husband is always amazed when he catches me watching something that I just watched a few weeks ago.  Doesn't matter to me though, because I'm still enjoying myself. Same goes with reruns on TV.  It’s always new to me!  

PS:  I am laughing so hard right now that I might just pee myself!  I went into my blog today to decide what to write about and I realized that I wrote this post last night and totally forgot to post it! Beyond that, I was supposed to tell you about the Speak Easy yesterday and forgot that too!  Once I compose myself, I'll tell you about that underground Speak Easy.  I promise!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Back At It!

It's 2:00 AM and I am finally getting back to my blog.  Things around here just got a bit hectic, and I can't seem to get over my sinus infection or whatever it is so I haven't been on top of things!  Today was a Monday holiday (President's Day) so I really tried to catch up on things.  First on the list was dusting and sweeping the floor.  Now isn't that an exciting way to spend a day off work!  But it needed done.

 Oral Communications is over and I ended up with a 97.3, so I'm happy with that.  It was a calmer week since I didn't have to worry about putting together another speech!  I finished the last of my homework for the first week of Computer Applications.  Learned how to do Power Point presentations using Office 2013.  Looks like this class is going to have a lot of homework!  It seems so funny for me to be talking about my homework!   But, like I've said many times, I'm not too old!!

In my post on January 24th, I was talking to you about my second speech on things to do in Crawford County (Ohio).  I told you a little about the Bratwurst Festival in Bucyrus, and said I'd tell you about my Main Point 2 the next day.  Well the next day has come and went several times over, so I'm going to go back to that.  My second point in that speech was talking about the Hatchery Festival in New Washington, Ohio.

New Washington is a small town of about 900 people in Northern Crawford County.  The Bank that I work at is in New Washington.  The last weekend in June they hold the Hatchery Festival.  I know that seems like an odd name for a festival, but it comes from the fact that the New Washington in the birthplace of the Baby Chick (Hatchery) Industry. In 1885, a young man of 14 named Michael Uhl build an incubator that could hold 120 eggs at once.  His father wasn't too thrilled with his endeavor, but once he saw how many chicks he could hatch he realized he might be on to something!  A few years later a man from Canton, Ohio asked if Michael could ship some baby chicks to him.  So the young man put 19 chicks into a carton covered in burlap and took it to the railroad station to ship to Canton.  At first the railroad didn't want to take the chance that they would die en route, but after some discussion, they shipped the chicks.  All 19 arrive safe and sound and an industry was born!

So, in 2001 when the town wanted to have a festival as a fund raiser to raise money for their beautification project, it seemed natural that they should call it the Hatchery Festival.  Like any good festival there are plenty of food stands along the streets.  They also have rides and a parade and fireworks on the last day.  A really popular event is the Harley Davidson raffle.  It's a fun three days if you're ever near New Washington, Ohio the last weekend in June!

Tomorrow (actually tonight) I'll tell you a little about the Speak Easy in Bucyrus.  I have school from 6-10, but I took a vacation day so I had a 4-day weekend.  That's always nice.  Everyone take care, and I'll talk to you again soon.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Back in the Saddle

Just wanted to get a few comments posted tonight.  I've been away from the Blog for awhile because of funeral arrangements and then I managed to get sick.  Had a Sinus Infection and then the Flu on top of that!  Haven't been doing much but sleeping.

Feeling better and get to go back to work tomorrow.  I've been off for a week and a half.  It's always hard going back after begin off so long, but I'll get into the groove once I get there.

I gave my second speech this past Tuesday and got an A+.  I was excited but I think the teacher was a little lenient with me!  I just went to class long enough to do the speech because I was so sick.  Then came home and slept some more.

We were supposed to get a big snow storm this weekend, but it mostly missed us.  We had a couple of inches this morning, but now it's just raining.  The problem with that is the temperature is dropping and it will probably be icy driving in to work.

I'll get back to this in earnest this week.  Everyone take care and I'll talk to you later.