Monday, March 30, 2015

Peeps and Pops

Hello all!  How is everyone today.  We had a nice day today with sun and 50 degrees!  Weather has been crazy here.  It snowed twice this past week, but c'est la vie!  Life in Ohio!!

Just a couple of things to say this time.  It's been busy these past weeks.  My granddaughter's birthday was the 20th.  She is now 14!  We had a family get-together for her on the 21st at my dad's house. She is just growing up way too fast!  Then my Dad's (Pops) birthday was the 24th.  He turned 80! That's hard to believe too.  We usually celebrate his birthday the say day as my granddaughter's, but this year we all went out to a restaurant to just celebrate him. It turned out real nice and my Dad was so surprised.  He just thought I was taking him out to eat and didn't expect everyone else that came too.  We ordered a really neat cake for him.  He's always working in his workshop so we went with a "tools" theme.  I just have to share a picture!!

Tasted really good too!

In my "college life" I've been staying busy too.  Finished Computer Applications and ended up with an "A" in the class.  Working on Introduction to Management now.  Had several chapters to read and some quizzes to do these last couple of weeks.  Not too bad so far.  Tomorrow the group that I was put into had to present one of the chapters with a Power Point and then have an activity for the class to do centered on Teamwork.  Two of the members worked on the Power Point and one of the other members and I worked on the activity.  It is called "Sneak a Peek" and involves the other teams not presenting to replicate a structure that we built from Legos.  However, only one member can come up and look at the structure.  Then they have to relay back to the team instructions to build it. Every minute or so another member can sneak a peek until someone builds it correctly.  That team is the winner.  We decided to give out some kind of little prize and since Easter is coming we chose to give them peeps.  Then we changed the name to Sneak a Peep!  I had the job of getting the peeps.  I saw a cute idea on Facebook on how to make Peep Bunny Race Cars.  So I made 5 of those for the winning team and then am bringing regular peeps for everyone else.

Hopefully I'll get to write some more this week.  If not, Happy Easter to everyone.

See ya later!

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