Monday, January 19, 2015

Speeches and Bella!

Haven't been on for a few days because I've been swamped trying to get my speech together, visual aids done and practicing.  Tomorrow is the day!  I think I'm ready.  I know what I want to say if I can just spit it out!  I get tongue tied as soon as I start talking out loud.  I was up til 4:30 in the morning last night practicing!  Today my friend, Barb, at the library was kind enough to let me practice with her.

I also had to start researching on the speech I'll have to give on the 27th.  Whew - the pressure is on. And this is only the first class on my college journey.  I do believe, however, that once I get through these speeches, I'll feel better about the rest of the upcoming classes. My mantra these days is, "I can do this, I can do this!"  I'll be sure to let you know how it goes.  I'm just glad there will be a lectern to hold onto.

Not much else exciting going on in my world.  I've just been concentrating on being ready for my speech.  I have been having a lot of fun with my kitty, Bella, though.  We got her from the Humane Society in October, 2014.  She was about 5 weeks old then.  She is all black which seemed quite appropriate since we were getting her right before Halloween.  Bella is short for Belladonna since we were trying to come up with a good black-cat name.

Anyway, Bella has started playing fetch these days.  We don't have a dog, so I'm not sure how she got the idea.  But she will carry one of her cat toys in to where I'm sitting and lay it down.  Then she starts rubbing on my leg and mewing like crazy.  At first I didn't know what in the world she wanted. But my husband told me to pick the toy up and throw it into the other room.  Sure enough, she will run and get the toy and bring it back for me to throw again!  Wish I could get it on film to send in to America's Funniest Videos!  Just love my kitty though.  She makes me laugh. (Here's a picture of her snuggling in my laundry basket.)

What else can I tell you.  Oh yes, we watched the movie, Earth to Echo this past weekend.  Have you seen it?  It's really a cute movie.  That's about all I have to say today! I'll talk to you again soon!

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