Sunday, January 11, 2015

Take all my Burdens

One of my Facebook friends posted the prayer below today.  It spoke to my heart and I asked permission to borrow it!  The item in brackets is my addition.  I hope this touches you as well. 

"Lord, today, as every day this past week, I ask that you give me strength and patience as I continue to trust you and wait on you.  You know my burdens, you know my heart and you know my needs.  I continue to lay my burden down at your feet, not pick them up and try to fix things on my own (I need reminders to not do that).  I love you, trust you, and worship you.  I pray a blessing over my family especially my children {and grandchildren} and ask that you cover them with your wings of love, safety, and salvation.  I pray for their hearts to turn to you and they ask you to guide their lives.  I pray for eyes to be opened, hearts to be softened.  I pray a hedge of protection around them and ask for them to hear your truths and deny satan's lies.  I love you Lord, I know you are for us, not against us and you are in control.  Not my will, not my kids' will, but yours be done, in all our lives.  You have already won the battle although it feels like a battle brewing in this life.  I choose to trust you and not listen to the lies of satan.  I cry out to you, Lord, to take over!  I pray all these things in Jesus' name, Amen."

Praying you all have a great week. Til we talk again!

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